How were skyscrapers, teslas, and tiny homes made? ENGINEERS!! What is an engineer you ask? Well, forget the dictionary definition. Engineers are dreamers, planners, problem solvers, and tinkerers. Over the course of our time together, your child will take on projects and hands-on challenges, in hopes of finding success. Every theme will begin with making a plan, then move on to the building & trials phase, and finally end with a final test. From egg drops and Rube Goldberg machines to earthquake simulators and tower challenges, there will be much to get excited about.
04/04/2025, 04/11/2025, 04/25/2025, 05/02/2025, 05/09/2025, 05/16/2025, 05/23/2025, 05/30/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 2 to 5.
Minimum: 8
Registration starts on 03/01/2025 and ends on 03/11/2025.
Please contact Baroody Camps, Inc if you have any questions.